CCNA: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (SRWE)
Course Overview
The second course in the CCNA curriculum focuses on switching technologies and router operations that support small-to-medium business networks and includes wireless local area networks (WLAN) and security concepts.
Students learn key switching and routing concepts. They can perform basic network configuration and troubleshooting, identify and mitigate local area network (LAN) security threats, and configure and secure a basic WLAN.
Prepare for Careers
- Develop skills for entry-level networking jobs
- Prepare for CCNA certification exam
- Fulfill prerequisites to pursue more specialized networking skills
Course Details
Estimated Time to Completion: 70 hours
Prerequisites: None
Course Delivery: Instructor-led
Target Audience: Secondary vocational students, 2-year and 4-year college students in Networking or Engineering programs
Learning Component Highlights:
- 16 modules and 14 practice labs
- 31 Cisco Packet Tracer activities
- 70+ interactive activities, videos, & quizzes
- 1 final exam
Course Recognitions: Certificate of Completion, Letter of Merit, Digital Badge
Recommended Next Course:
CCNA: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (ENSA)